
Our close-knit campus is deliberately designed so that your student will find lifelong friendships with their peers, 最重要的是与耶稣基督同在. 教师, staff and administration here at WWU are devoted to fulfilling this mission in each student, 澳门线上博彩官网感谢你们一路以来的合作.


This guide has been designed to provide information that will help keep you informed and allow you to continue to mentor your student throughout this experience. 澳门线上博彩官网包括了重要的日期, 电话号码, 还有关于升入大学的信息, 特别是这个学年. 下载家长及家庭指引PDF.

问题? 请!
克劳迪娅Santellano, 校友及家长关系总监
克劳迪亚.santellano@wallawalla.Edu | (509) 527-2644


Parental involvement in the university experience can increase motivation and improve grades, but the right balance between involvement and interference is essential for the student’s growing independence and self-responsibility. Staying in touch with your university student through expressions of love and specific interest creates a helpful level of parental involvement.  

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not allow us to release student information or academic information to parents, 即使是他们在付账, 除非学生明确同意. 如果他们选择这样做的话, students can give parents login information to their WWU account (myWWU) for access to various types of information. 

每月10号生成报表. 学生通常会收到一份复印件, or they can access their financial information at any time from their WWU account (myWWU). 使用myWWU,学生还可以授权其他人(例如.g.(家长或担保人)以邮寄方式收到声明. 

学生可以在一个学期中选修几周的课程, but there are important deadlines and financial consequences to keep in mind. 在放弃一门课程之前, the student will need to visit with the course instructor and academic advisor. Dropping courses can affect students’ financial aid eligibility and scholarships, 不管他们的GPA如何. 

为了在学业上取得成功, 学生必须完成所有课程要求, which typically include an exam during finals week at the end of the term. 在很少的情况下,提早离开是必要的, the student may request an early exam through the office of the associate vice president for academic administration. If the request is granted, there is a $100 fee for each early exam. 

你的学生可以获得很多资源. These include mentoring for all freshmen through our 大一新生 Success Program, 在教学中心免费辅导, 学术深思熟虑, 咨询服务, 职业咨询, 保健和保健服务, 残疾人支持服务. Course instructors often provide individual assistance to students as well. 

The Walla 沃拉沃拉大学 family gathers each week at 社区 for worship, 学术反思, 庆祝大学的价值观. All undergraduate students taking six or more credits are required to attend a minimum number of 社区 meetings each term. Attendance is not required for students who already have a baccalaureate degree, 注册的学分少于6个, 都结婚了, 有需要直接照顾的受抚养子女, 或者至少25岁. 

The student should first attempt to speak with the instructor and/or department chair or school dean about the issue. 如果问题得不到解决, the student may contact the associate vice president for academic administration ((509) 527-2395) for assistance. 

This status and special monitoring occurs when a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.或者他们的学期GPA低于2.连续两届为零. Such students are limited to taking no more than 13 credits and are encouraged to meet regularly with their academic advisor. If the GPA does not improve sufficiently during the probation term, 该学生将被我校开除. A dismissed student may apply for readmission, presenting evidence of readiness to succeed. 

学生 who live in residence halls are more connected to the campus and have an increased likelihood of academic success. 学生 from outside the Walla Walla Valley are required to live in the residence halls until they are at least 22 years old, 结婚了, 或具有高级地位(135学分). 学生 of any age who wish to live with an immediate family member may submit a request for off-campus housing. 


  1. 送你的学生一份礼物 or note of encouragement through our parent relations office. 澳门线上博彩官网会把你的礼物包装好,送到学校的任何地方. 给学生一个惊喜.
  2. 在家庭周末拜访你的学生.
  3. 学生在贵公司实习的机会? 想自愿指导一个学生? 让澳门线上博彩官网知道! 与澳门线上博彩官网的学生发展中心取得联系.
  4. Looking for a speaker for an event or for your professional organization? 考虑一下澳门线上博彩官网的教师专家!


1. 保持联系.
你可能会忍不住经常打电话. 考虑给你的学生发短信或发邮件. 当你拜访时,先咨询你的学生. 

2. 给他们空间. 
Your student is going to be very busy with their new role so keep conversations quick and light-hearted. 让你的学生来设定节奏.  

3. 辞去经理职务.
Be a helpful consultant for your student, and encourage them to seek out campus resources. It is best if your student tries to handle situations on his or her own.  

4. 接受你的学生. 
Remember that the university experience is a period of exploration and search for identity.  

5. 给 your student the opportunity to express new viewpoints and opinions. 
Remain open and nonjudgmental when your student shares new experiences with you. 

6. 保持积极的心态. 
Be realistic about finances, academic achievement, and the choices your student is making. 生活不一定总是按照习惯的路线图走. 多问问题,不要妄下结论.

7. 和你的学生谈谈整体健康.
鼓励你的学生获得充足的睡眠, 吃健康的食物, 锻炼身体,花时间充电.

8. 了解WWU.
Knowing what resources are available can be reassuring for you and your student.

9. 做一个出色的倾听者.
听,听,听. 你的学生要求的是被倾听,而不是被纠正.

10. 祷告并信靠神.